• Image of Gemini Perfume Oil (Palo santo, Lavender Absolute, Mimosa)

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The ZODIAC ANOINTING series are intense layered natural perfumes in celebration of the constellations and their role in the plant kingdom, formulated to be rich and long lasting. โ˜ฟ GEMINI โ˜ฟ A celebration of the changing, charming, playful nature of the twins. Airy almond blends with mercurial lavender absolute and palo santo to enchant and intoxicate while inviting focus. Green tea and mimosa lend a soft, mutable face, while vanilla scented balsam of peru grounds and harmonizes. The Scent of the sky and all the delicate wings in the breeze. This scent evokes the nature of the delicate and mutable, palo santo water, daylight spellwork. Not intended to mask natural body smells like artificial perfumes, these blends work with, rather than against your chemistry to create a unique aroma for each individual.

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Each oil is crafted with intent in small batches on the corresponding new or full moon. 10ml black glass bottle with steel roller ball, all natural essential oil blend in a jojoba base. (Essential oils are not recommended for the pregnant or nursing, and never to be taken internally. Although rare, discontinue use if irritation occurs. Volatile oils may discolor clothing or oxidize jewelry)